Looking for low-priced or second-hand bushcraft and outdoor equipment? If so, download our current PDF list of some low-priced bushcraft equipment. On this list you will find everything from new equipment priced keenly to shift, as well as some second-hand, ex-display and damaged items which are being sold at greatly reduced rates. The form will be updated frequently. Please be aware that items listed on the form are excluded from our 30-days return policy and may only be ordered via our sales lines (please quote the reference number of the product).
Do you have Second-Hand Bushcraft and Outdoor Gear to Sell?
If you have something you think we'd like to buy, please contact us via email. Our contact details may be found on the contact section of the website. Please be aware that we are a retailer and distributor of outdoor and bushcraft goods. This means that we will only ever pay less than the trade (wholesale) value of goods and we also have to add VAT to anything we sell on.
UK Knife Law
The details contained here are for information purposes only, and you must always bear in mind the ever evolving laws which may, or may not affect specific areas of the country. So please read this guide and use it alongside your own judgement and common sense.

Return of Goods Form
If you wish to return your order to us, then first see our returns page and policies in the footer of the website. Once you have completed that form, we will send you a password to download this PDF.

Trade Account Application
Our trade account application may be found here. This document is password protected and is only available to those who we have pre-approved and provided with the relevant password(s).

Fitting a Wooden Knife Handle
Simple how-to guide for those wishing to print a copy of our step-by-step guide of how to fit a wooden handle to a bushcraft knife.