Paracord Bargains
(Approx $80.9025)
As one of the UK's premium suppliers of all kinds of paracord, we (and our wholesale company) are often left with LOTS of cord that we can't sell as perfect - this is usually because a reel breaks, or the reel isn't full, or maybe its just KILO bag of paracord off-cuts. Whatever it may be, this is where we will be selling the following items at low rates!
The only things you need to consider are that we're unable to be exact with some lengths (some bundles are knotted, or reels broken, etc) so most prices are based on weight and estimates of lengths. ALL OF THESE ITEMS ARE EXCLUDED FROM OUR RETURNS POLICY.
You can expect to find the following type of deals here:
Broken reels - Typically one end of a reel has broken/fallen off. We don't have time to untangle these, and cant easily cut to length, so we sell them cheaply. These usually contain around 1,000 feet of cord and are typically Type III 550 (unless otherwise stated).
Bundles - we have lots of bundles that we're not 100% sure of what the length is without measuring them. We don't have time for this so we estimate the length (pretty accurate) and sell them cheaply here.
Off-Cuts - We often have mixed bags of off-cuts. These will comprise of all kinds of cord, colours, types, and lengths. The vast majority will be type III 550. We're unable to supply exact colours or confirm lengths these are all mixed and supplied at random by weight (kilo bag). PLEASE NOTE: MIXED BAGS SOMETIMES CONTAIN FIRECORD TOO ALWAYS CHECK THE INNER CORDS PRIOR TO SEALING THE ENDS, AS FIRECORD WILL BURN!!!
Unfinished Reels - These are reels which have a limited amount left on the reel.
Discontinued Colours - If we have a colour or type, we no longer stock, we will sell them here.
Other types of Paracord - We often try other types of paracord. We occasionally manufacture different strengths or custom colours and are sometimes we are sent non-550 by other manufacturers to try out. We will sell these kinds of things here too. If anything is non-550 we will state this.
Mystery Packs (seconds) - these may contain all types of paracord, 550, non-550, nano-cord, micro-cord, off-cuts, reels, new reels, broken reels, etc - each pack will vary and they are pre-packed randomly. There may also be paracord related items in these, buckles, weaving needles, beads, etc. All new, but possibly imperfect.