SOL Emergency Bivvy
(Approx $20.4414)
If you're forced to spend the night outdoors away from your camp base unexpectedly, then the SOL Emergency Bivvy is one piece of survival kit you can't do without. This ultralight, ultra-warm and fully protective shelter will keep you nice and cosy as it reflects 90% of body heat and is water and wind proof. This outdoor shelter has a fully taped seam meaning that no wind, rain or snow can penetrate inside, allowing for a comfortable night's sleep without worrying about being affected by harsh weather conditions.
The emergency bivvy is exceptionally lightweight, robust, and will fit neatly into a bushcrafters survival kit without causing much extra weight or taking up lots of storage space in a rucksack or travel bag. This emergency shelter can be used for a wide range of outdoors activities such as trail running, mountain marathon running, ultra running, extreme trekking and many other outdoor endurance sports. It will give you that extra peace of mind when in remote areas, and could well be a lifesaver!
SOL Emergency Blanket Specifications:
- Size: 84" x 36"
- Weight: 100g approx.
"These seem to be in high demand at the moment, so I was pleased to see them here. For the price, they are re-usable, so I wasn't too worried about paying £15 for it. I use it for long distance runs and mountaineering, and haven't actually has a reason to use it but glad it is in my ruck sack. It would make a great addition to a BOB as it's a shelter in one."