Compass on a Lanyard
(Approx $5.3435)
This handy compass is large enough to allow for clear navigation yet small enough to be worn, comfortably, around the neck for long periods of time. This basic compass comes complete with lanyard and is perfect for outdoor education, forest schools and for children who are looking to own their first compass.
Compass on a lanyard also makes the perfect spare or backup to your main navigation system. The cardinal directions and 30-degree increments, combined with a good level or accuracy make this compass a reliable, easy-to-read navigation tool. Meanwhile a red/white compass needle and luminous pointer make this compass on lanyard suitable for navigating in low-light or even for exploring at night.
Lanyard Compass Sepcification:
- Lumious Pointer
- Includes Lanyard

"Poor quality, sticky bearing - can give totally unreliable results. It is possible to get North with these, but only with lots of care. I bought 3, but the needles don't always spin freely and often stick giving a false reading. Save your money buy a decent quality one."

"Great compass."

"Really nice compass for the price. It did vary from the image shown, but it looks good and worked well. It was ideal for use with my scouts. The service from the Greenman Bushcraft guys was top notch as always!"