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Cotton Wool Balls

£3.2917 Inc VAT
(Approx $4.2609)
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Cotton Wool is fantastic fire lighting tinder, and as Greenman like to bring everything to you, we've even sourced some cotton wool. It's always worth keeping cotton will in any empty space in your pack, it weighs nothing, takes up little room as as it's natural it can be discarded without worry, and then it's there if you need to light a fire quickly. Handy stuff!

So, What Makes Greenman Cotton Wool Different?

We're honest folk here at Greenman, and the honest answer is not a huge amount, other than pack size which is generally larger than those from the shops (Approx. 100/pk). We have also tried to source a slightly coarser cotton wool, as we find the very fine make-up type is a little too soft and burns away too quickly, but we're nit-picking really.

Our cotton wool may be used for fire tinder, cosmetics or first aid/medial uses.

  • Pack size: Approx. 100 cotton wool balls.


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