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FSC Filed Guide to Bugs on Bushes

£3.99 Inc VAT
(Approx $5.1648)
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An ideal alternative to a book, its lightweight, shower-proof and easy to use without having to look through page after page! The ideal companion on any bushcraft or nature watching trip!

Need a field guide for tree beating or sweep netting?

Aimed at Key Stage 2 and above, this 12-page laminated fold-out chart is a name trail designed to help children and adults identify the insects and other invertebrates found in the foliage of plants.

The Animal Fact File provides a concise summary of the main groups of animals that may be encountered. Other information is included on food webs, pyramids of numbers and on project ideas based on tree-beating, sweep-netting and the use of pooters.

Ideal fo adults too!

  • Charts (folded) are approx 16.5cm x 24.5cm


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