Channel 4 Want You For Your Own TV Survival Show
Have you ever fancied staring in your own TV survival or bushcraft show? Maybe you’d like to test your survival skills in a real life island survival situation? If so, then maybe this will be for you?
Channel 4 have asked Greenman Bushcraft to help them recruit several willing volunteers to pit their survival and bushcraft skills against the wilds of a desert island for a new TV show due to air in 2014. The new Channel 4 series will explore the ‘science of survival' and be named 'The Island, with Bear Grylls'.
Channel 4 are looking for fit and able persons of all ages (18+) each with their unique skillset, to be cast away on a tropical island to see how they fare.
Shine, the production company have asked that volunteers not have previous survival skills experience; they’re looking for average day to day folk whom want a break for the normal 9-5 day job and see how they do when stripped of 21st century comforts.
So, if you’re interested in being filmed by a TV crew as you build your own shelters, catch your own dinner and light your own fires whilst living on a remote island, then get in touch!
To apply, please email: (EXPIRED) for an application form.
Closing date for applications: Sunday 27th October 2013 at midnight.
Lee - i'm afraid the date had passed by the time you left a message. You can watch the show on channel four at the moment - The Island With Bear Grylls.
If they happen to run 2nd series would be very interested.
Good luck to all