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Changes for 2013 and beyond

Changes for 2013 and beyond

Over the coming weeks, you’ll notice lots of new and exciting changes to Greenman Bushcraft. The website is going to be re-launched with a brand new design, look and feel.  Our logo will be changing too! As well as this we're going to be launching a few new own-brand products, and offer lots of new website features. We will also be lancuhing new postage options

As well as all of this, we will also have a couple of new ideas to involve our customers, which may include some FREE outdoor equipment for you, so please be sure to join our newsletter and click ‘Like’ on our Facebook page where we will release information nearer the time.

Thanks for reading and please be sure to keep checking back for the new site as we're going to have a fantastic week-long promotion!

Greenman Bushcraft Team


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