Can you Find the Hidden Pumpkin?
As you will have noticed, the leaves of many trees have now turned to wonderful shades of brown and gold as we step into the autumnal months. Soon the sweet chestnuts will be lying upon the ground like brown jewels and many of us will begin to celebrate autumnal activities, such as apple picking, mushroom foraging and traditional Halloween and Guy Fawkes customs – so it is with all of this in mind that we have decided to launch an autumnal giveaway!
Can you Find the Pumpkin?
Somewhere, on the many pages of the Greenman Bushcraft website, we have hidden the Greenman Bushcraft Pumpkin! Every few hours, or days the small hidden pumpkin will be moving around the website and if you spot it, simply email us (on the day) with a link to the page of our site and we will top your account up with £10.00 worth of Oaks Points to spend online with us. You will need an account for us to top up, but we can create this simply for you if need be.
The pumpkin will be hidden well, and the size may vary, but it will appear the same as the one depicted here within this BLOG post. Please however note that the homepage banners and depictions of the pumpkin within this BLOG post are excluded!
The pumpkin will look like the on depicted below, other than the size, which will vary!
The competition will end on 1st November 2015 and we will announce the winners after this time. Please note, there is a limit to FIVE winners per day. The first FIVE correct answers each day will WIN and be annouced on our pages at a later date.
Good Luck, and have a Happy Halloween!